These fabulous rabbits are next to the largest of the Angora breeds. They can weigh anywhere from a minimum of 7 1/2 pounds to a maximum of 10 1/2 pounds at maturity. The ideal weight is 8 pounds. French angoras are very good wool producers with very little maintenance. They are bred for a both meat and wool. We only breed for wool. Wool on these rabbits can reach as much as six inches long or more. A minimum of 2 inches is required, with the ideal length to be 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches.
These rabbits require low maintenance, but are better for fiber purposes if kept groomed on a regular basis to keep the wool as free from webs, mats, or felting. A maintenance program of blowing once or twice a week while in prime wool will keep these rabbits beautiful. The regular maintenance leads to the good personalities of these rabbits. Like all warm-blooded animals, the more they are handled the gentler they become. Normally, pulling the fiber on these rabbits about 3 times a year is all that is necessary to keep the wool production at a smooth level of maintenance. These rabbits come in a variety of colors including white, solids, and a broken pattern.